How many of you have ever called a customer service department only to spend ten to fifteen minutes trying to pry what you need from an automated system? Unfortunately, we all have. For us, this process usually ends with us repeatedly screaming “operator” into the phone. It is equally problematic when you call a court reporter to schedule a deposition but receive voicemail or an answering machine. A deposition that is scheduled by voicemail is not really scheduled. You have no way of knowing whether the reporter received the message or whether they are even available on the day desired. Quite simply, your court reporting needs require access to a real human being at all times.

Here at Kentuckaina Court Reporters, we believe that you should not have to talk to a robot or an answering machine when you are trying to schedule critical portions of your discovery. We will assign an individual case manager to each of our clients. Your case manager will be available 24 hours a day to schedule depositions, arrange for delivery of additional transcripts, answer billing questions, track down exhibits and to make your life easier. If you happen to be in California for depositions and realize that you need a copy of a previous transcript, you can call your case manager after hours and have one emailed directly to you. If you wake up at 1:00am and realize you forgot to schedule a court reporter for your $1000 an hour expert the next morning then you can call your case manager. She might be a little groggy but we will ensure a reporter for the next morning. Need to add a videographer to a deposition in Hazard? No problem. Your case manager will have you covered.
Your clients demand personalized service and so should you. Give us a call at 502-589-2273 or email us at schedule@kentuckianareporters.com to learn more about assigning a personal case manager to all of your litigation.