Kentuckiana Reporters provides you with the most experienced Bowling Green court reporters. We have proudly provided court reporting and legal videography services to Bowling Green, Kentucky for over 30 years. Our Bowling Green court reporters and videographers are local Kentuckians who know Bowling Green and the surrounding region. We provide real-time court reporting, daily transcripts, secure electronic delivery and storage, videography and trial presentation services. Conference rooms are available upon request. Contact Kentuckiana Reporters to schedule your Bowling Green court reporters and videographers. We understand the need for affordable court reporting and high quality standards.
Take time to visit the many attractions Bowling Green has to offer after your deposition. You can find a Bowling Green visitor’s guide here. Our staff can point you to the best hotels and restaurants. Here are a few highlights to check out during your next stop in Bowling Green.
Home to the world’s longest flowing underground river.
Our Bowling Green court reporters highly suggest that you check out the campus of Western Kentucky University, home to Big Red and the best Speech & Debate Team in the country.