Every court reporter must have an excellent command of the English language, a high attention to detail, and the ability to focus for long periods of time. At Kentuckiana Reporters, we consider these skills to be minimum requirements for a reporter. We also ensure that our court reporters are professional, courteous and mindful of your time. We understand that your choice of reporter is a reflection of your judgement as a litigator. Our court reporters will always maintain a professional decorum that will impress both you and your clients. Whether you need Louisville court reporters, Lexington court reporters or reporters anywhere in Kentucky, we have you covered!
Court reporting has evolved from a simple ink-pen to a multi-channel digital audio supplemented with annotations and voice recognition software. As a technology-focused reporting firm, we stay abreast of every new development in the court reporting field so as to provide you the most accurate transcript in the least amount of time (and for the lowest price possible). We employ different types of reporters so as to provide you with a service that best fits your litigation needs.
A stenographic reporter transcribes spoken speech into written form by using shorthand equipment. Top stenographers are able to produce a transcript in real-time; much like the closed captioning text that you have likely seen scroll across the bottom of your television. Stenographers are also able to provide a rough draft immediately upon the conclusion of the deposition. One drawback to stenography is that the reporter can only physically type one speaker at a time. As a result, stenographers may have to frequently interrupt or slow the speakers so as to maintain the record.
Digital reporters use multi-channel, digital audio equipment that allows for isolated playback of the deponent. Whereas a stenographer can read back testimony from her notes, a digital reporter can actually play back the deponent’s recorded testimony. This allows the attorneys to hear both the substance of what was stated as well as the tone of the speaker. As we all know, the way something is said often matters more than what was actually said. The digital reporter also types annotations throughout the deposition as well. The multi-channel recording software allows a digital reporter to take the testimony of multiple speakers at the same time while ignoring extraneous background noises. A digital reporter can generally produce a transcript within 24 hours (or less with advance notice).
There are a lot of different factors that go into choosing a reporter and we suggest you review our background article for more information: Choosing a Court Reporter 101. Having choices is a good thing and we can help you find the right fit for your case.