Conference Rooms – Deposition Rooms – Nationwide
We have deposition and conference rooms available around the region and around the world.
Call Kentuckiana Court Reporters to reserve our deposition and conference rooms in Louisville, Lexington, London, Cincinnati and Indianapolis. When you schedule with Kentuckiana you can rest easy knowing that we provide our own conference rooms in the region’s major cities. While other reporting agencies might put you in a hotel meeting room, we provide comfortable and professional conference rooms for your depositions. All of our conference rooms are complimentary when you schedule one of our court reporters or videographers

Indianapolis Conference Room

No one has conference rooms in every city but we do have contacts everywhere. With over 35 years of networking experience, we can provide quality deposition and conference rooms for you anywhere in the United States. Thankfully, we have been around long enough to know which rooms are comfortable and which ones have a problem with the heater. Take the guess-work out of choosing conference rooms by relying on Kentuckiana Court Reporters for your next deposition, arbitration, video conference, legal video deposition, meeting or mediation.
Our Louisville conference rooms are complimentary when you schedule one our Louisville court reporters for your deposition.
Call 877-808-5856 or Schedule a Deposition Now
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