Still using your iPod for music? Do you know how to use your iPod in your litigation practice?
Never underestimate mobility. What the BlackBerry did for email and previous iPods did for audio, the new iPod will do for video. Online video has existed for years, but only recently has it gone mobile thanks to Apple’s video iPod.
Every year, Kentuckiana Reporters, LLC look for more ways for legal professionals to increase their efficiency and make life easier for themselves overall. Imagine you’re working from your laptop at 30,000 feet: reviewing video deposition testimony, reading over transcripts and documents and viewing case photos and exhibits. Now imagine doing all of this without having to carry around a bulky laptop, mouse, power source, and a carrying case. Can you? You’re thinking probably for an expensive price tag, right? What if Kentuckiana Reporters told you that you could accomplish this with something you already own? Now imagine doing all these things as well as recording your “on-the-fly” ideas, proofing PowerPoint presentations, and listening to some relaxing music. How, you might ask? I have four letters for you: iPod.
In addition, the iPod for legal professionals can be utilized in two other areas: video presentations and the use of slide-based presentations. To create a slide-based presentation, photographs from your computer can be transferred to the video iPod and shown to an audience using presentation devices such as a projector or television. Connect Appleās audio-visual cable to the presentation device and use the iPod to select which presentation or photographic slide show you want to show. Video depositions, firm marketing, surveillance, settlement, training and educational videos all are applicable uses.
For those attorneys/legal professionals who are on the cutting edge of technology, Kentuckiana Reporters, LLC can provide your video depositions on an iPod. Instead of receiving CD’s, DVD’s, hard transcripts, bulky VHS tapes, how about having Kentuckiana Reporters provide your work product in an iPod format.
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