Kentucky’s courtrooms have been video-only since 1977. This means that there is no transcript readily available for trials, hearings, grand jury testimony or any other proceeding that takes place in a Kentucky courtroom. While this is not always a problem, the reality is that there are some cases in which it is not practical to rely on a videotape record of a proceeding. You cannot readily prepare to cross-examine an expert from a videotape. Sometimes you need an old-fashioned paper transcript. The good news is that we specialize in the transcription of court video.

Affordable Transcription.
We have a full-time staff of transcriptionists and proofreaders who accurately transcribe court video on a daily basis. We have transcribed everything from trials that lasted several weeks to hearings that lasted five minutes. Because we have staff dedicated to the transcription of court video, we can offer affordable rates. Many of our competitors dabble in transcription and charge up to $8.00 per page of transcript! There may be some variation on fees but we are almost always five dollars cheaper than these high rates. Over the course of a trial our rates have saved clients thousands of dollars.
Do not be fooled by someone who tries to justify outrageously high prices with guarantees of “greater accuracy.” Every job we accept is transcribed by a professional transcriptionist and is reviewed by a committed proofreader. We understand the need for absolute accuracy on all of our transcription jobs. If our transcription is wrong it could alter the course of your case and that, in turn, would cost us your business. We do not cut corners, we do just the opposite. We have created a full-time staff of Kentuckians who have transcription down to a science. Our standardization saves you time and money.
Video Cross-Referencing.
As every litigator knows, the court video is the record in Kentucky. KRCP 98 requires appellants to reference the video time-stamp when citing to the record. We make this process easy for you by syncing our transcript to the video. In other words, the written transcript we provide to you is linked to the court video. For example, let’s assume that your case turns on whether the judge allowed in testimony regarding the defendant’s insurance. With our synced DVDs, you can search for the word “insurance”. The DVD will then take you to every place on the video where “insurance” was discussed. This will allow you to prepare your brief with a searchable transcript that shows you the time-stamp of relevant testimony. Otherwise, you would have to spend hours watching an entire trial to try and write down relevant time-stamps. Save yourself hours of time by utilizing our system.

Rather than giving your secretary of heart attack, allow us to transcribe your court videos. On a per hour basis, it is cheaper for us to transcribe your record that your secretary. Moreover, our effort will allow your secretary to stay focused on his or her daily responsibilities and keep your office running smoothly. As with all of our work, your transcript will be delivered within seven days (regardless of how many hours need to be transcribed). Save money, keep your office running smoothly and make your brief writing more accurate and efficient. Call Kentuckiana Reporters to transcribe all of your court videos.